The subjective well-being of adolescents in residential care compared to that of the general population / Llosada,Montserrat

Subjective well-being of children in residential care centers: Comparison between children in institutional care and children living with their families / Fabiane F. Schütz

Indicadores sociales subjetivos y bienestar en la infancia y adolescencia / Ferran Casas

Bienestar subjetivo en niños, niñas y adolescentes del Sistema de Protección de Infancia y Justicia Juvenil en Chile / Marian Bilbao

El bienestar subjetivo en la infancia: Estudio de la comparabilidad de 3 escalas psicométricas en 4 países de habla latina / Ferran Casas

Children participating in after-school programs in Chile: Subjective well-being, satisfaction with free time use and satisfaction with the program / Loreto Ditzel

The Subjective Well-Being of Chilean Children Living in Conditions of High Social Vulnerability / Loreto Ditzel